Lazar Lyutakov, The incantation of empty events, 2021, defective metal cover hoods for water heaters (produced by Austria Email AG), plastic cover hoods, cardboard boxes, styrofoam mannequin heads
Lazar Lyutakov, Untitled (Lamp Series, #33, #34, 2019), ongoing since 2006, plastic vessels, electric materials
Lazar Lyutakov, Kuvimba, 2021, turned ebony, Voss water glass bottles, African spring water
Jens Fröberg, Still life, oil on canvas, 24 ×30 cm,
Lazar Lyutakov, Untitled, 2021, ebony
2021/ Rough Continuity, Lazar Lyutakov and Jens Fröberg at SIMIAN Copenhagen, Apology of the arancina by Paola Paleari, Photos by GRAYSC, Art Viewer